Our Location
Camp Greene Wood is a beautiful 137 acre site with hiking trails, creeks, forests, prairies, wetlands, and more. It offers a safe and wonderful playground for exploration and learning. Daily explorations with the trained instructors in nature- based education will share this wonderful space and experience the natural environments, habitats, and wildlife together.
More than adequate and accessible indoor space at Odakota lodge is available during inclement weather days or weather emergencies. The indoor and outdoor spaces will provide accessibility for rich learning, art, science, exploration, and creativity.
Entry will be through gate 4 of the camp across from Castaldo Park. Drop off/pick up will be at Odakota Lodge Easily accessible from 355 or Rt 53 and adequate parking onsite. Camp Greene Wood is a beautiful 100 plus acre site with hiking trails, creeks, forests, prairies, wetlands, and more. It offers a safe and wonderful playground for exploration and learning. More than adequate and accessible indoor space at Odakota lodge is available during inclement weather days or weather emergencies.